Safety: OSHA
Safety: Ladder


At Northwest Electrical Services LLC, safety is our number one priority for our employees and our clients. Our mission is zero lost time accidents and we are proud that we have over 60 man years of field service and construction work without a lost time accident with much of this work being performed overseas or in hazardous areas.

Our management team have over 100 years of working in construction and operational facilities. We understand the hazards associated with any working environment and we are committed to encouraging a culture and environment that reinforces safe behavior, including incentives for our employees.

Our safety management includes:

  1. Safety Policies, both general and project specific including mandatory PPE requirements
  2. Ensuring worker credentials and training records are current and appropriate for the job functions assigned
  3. Lockout / Tagout Procedures and Training
  4. Confined Space Training
  5. Hazmat Training
  6. First Aid / CPR Training
  7. Specialized training and awareness in PPE such as Toxic and Combustible Gas Detection, SCBA Training, Electrical Safety (NFPA 70E)
  8. Job Safety Analyses
  9. Toolbox meetings
  10. Safety Inspections
  11. Lifting, climbing, fall arrest, machinery and tool operation training among others

In addition, Northwest Electrical Services strictly enforces a zero tolerance Drug and Alcohol policy. Our employees are subject to pre-employment screenings as well as random drug and alcohol testing throughout their tenure.

All of safety management features integrate and are coordinated with all client specific requirements and regulations.